If you’ve ever wondered how to soundproof a room, there are several methods you can use. One option is installing blankets on windows. This is especially effective in rooms with hard surfaces, which bounce sound and amplify it. Soundproofing blankets reduce this effect by slowing down the bounce of sound. A more permanent solution involves the use of construction materials to reduce sound absorption.
Installing blankets on windows
If you want to improve the soundproofing in your room, soundproof blankets are a great option. They can be firmly attached to the wall or ceiling with nails or glue, and they’ll help quiet any noise from above, such as the sound of a baby crying or a squirrel laughing in the corner. They can also be used to keep neighbors’ footsteps from disturbing each other at night.
Besides helping you reduce the noise in a room, soundproof blankets can also improve the look of the room. They are usually available in different styles and designs, including ones that come with small details or flowers. They’re made from fiberglass, recycled cotton, or mineral wood. Some are even equipped with grommets to make installation easier.
Besides being inexpensive and easy to use, blankets also offer a great solution for soundproofing a room. They absorb noise and reduce echo, and can even be placed over the door or window. They’re a great way to reduce noise pollution and keep you more comfortable during the day.
The soundproofing abilities of soundproof blankets vary, with some being more effective than others. Some are made of thick, durable materials that prevent noise from escaping. While acoustic blankets are great for preventing noise, they’re not suitable for insulating entire rooms, but they can be a cost-effective option for soundproofing a room.
While moving blankets are not ideal for soundproofing, they can provide a small amount of echo reduction. Other soundproofing blankets use mass-loaded vinyl cores, which is much heavier and absorbs more sound than their moving counterparts. These blankets can also be attractive, and are also great for hanging over interior doors and exterior windows. Make sure the blankets you purchase are STC-rated so that you know exactly how much noise they are absorbing.

Using thick blankets to muffle outside noise
When using thick blankets to muffle outside noise, you’re doing more than just blocking out noise. You’re also reducing reverberation and improving acoustics in the room. For the best results, get blankets that are thick and heavy, as these are more absorbent of sound. You can also put more than one blanket on the same spot for added insulation.
When shopping for blankets, it’s important to know what type you’re going to need and how much you’re willing to spend. The cheaper models tend to be made of flimsier materials, and they don’t offer the same level of sound absorption as more expensive options. Also, the more expensive ones typically come with more thickness and better materials. Some even contain fiberglass, which is considered one of the best materials for absorbing noise.
There are also blankets with grommets, which provide extra mass and reduce sound. They’re a great choice for rooms where you need to reduce outside noise. However, if you’d prefer to block out as much noise as possible, it’s worth investing in an acoustically transparent blanket.
Oversized blankets are also a great choice for blocking gaps around doors. They can even be used to enclose the door itself to keep it from vibrating. If you’d prefer a permanent solution, you can fit a piece of wire across the top of the door. Then, tie the blanket over the wire. If you don’t have the time to put in a wire, you can just wedge the blanket into the frame.
Soundproofing blankets can be hung on walls and ceilings. These blankets should be thick enough to keep out most of the noise. If you have a bedroom with windows, you can use two or three layers of thick blankets on the windows to make it sound deadening. You can even add a sheet or two on top of the blanket to increase the soundproofing effect.
Covering hard surfaces with blankets to reduce sound absorption
If you’re looking to improve the sound absorption of a room, covering hard surfaces with blankets is a good way to achieve this. The material helps to absorb sound by slowing it down and absorbing echoes. However, you need to know that blankets alone cannot prevent noise completely. Using soundproof materials such as walls and flooring can also help to improve the sound quality of a room.
Unlike furniture, which are made of soft materials and will absorb sound, hard surfaces bounce sound waves back and forth. Covering these surfaces with thick, soundproof blankets can reduce the echo in the room and improve the quality of sound. If you’re trying to control percussive noise in a recording session, this technique will be helpful.

Moving blankets are not as effective as true acoustic soundproofing blankets, but they will absorb sound. The thicker and more durable the blanket, the better. Remember to choose one with a good NRC rating to ensure you’ll get the maximum benefit from your blanket.
Acoustic blankets work best when placed against inside walls to minimize reverb. Acoustic panels are expensive and won’t work for some rooms. However, blankets can provide significant coverage and their low cost per square foot makes them an excellent option for rooms that don’t have acoustic panels.
Acoustic blankets come in indoor and outdoor varieties. The low cost varieties are usually made of cotton or a cotton-poly blend. Hence, they’re not as durable as their more expensive counterparts. These blankets are often used as soundproof door blankets. However, the better quality options are built with extra stitching and are more durable. Moreover, some of them even have fiberglass, which is one of the best materials to absorb sound.
Using blankets to create a barrier or enclosure
Blankets can be used in a variety of ways to soundproof a room. They can be used in music rooms, recording studios, garages, and even rooms that don’t have furniture. They can also be placed over windows and doors to help reduce noise.
Soundproof blankets are made with layers of dense fabric. The thicker the blanket, the more it will absorb sound and convert it into energy. These blankets may be bulky and difficult to hang on a wall, but they can help soundproof a room.
Some soundproof blankets feature grommets that allow them to serve as a barrier for a room. Others do not have grommets and are used as soundproof curtains. Either way, they can reduce noise by 30 percent or more.
Acoustic blankets are another popular option for soundproofing a room. These blankets come in a variety of styles and materials. Acoustical blankets are usually heavy and made of dense vinyl membranes. For example, the QBO blanket uses dB-Bloc vinyl sandwiched between two layers of quilted fiberglass. The QBO-Max blanket, on the other hand, uses a vinyl-faced fiberglass absorber that is resistant to weather. Both types can be custom cut to size, making them an economical and effective soundproofing solution.

Soundproof blankets are generally constructed from mass-loaded vinyl or polyester, and some are even designed with custom grommets. They can be attached to walls with double-sided tape or clips. When using soundproof blankets, it is important to periodically air them out, as moisture retention can greatly reduce their dampening capabilities.
Other methods of soundproofing a room include placing bookcases along the walls. They will make the walls thicker, and help to reduce echoes. This method can also be used to create a library. The added bonus of having a library in your home will make your home a more peaceful place to live.
The sound barrier blanket system is another effective way to soundproof a room. Typically, it will reduce a noise source by up to 50% of its original level. This is a significant reduction in the perceived noise. The average reduction is between 12 and 18 dB. A reduction of just 10 dB can significantly reduce the perceived noise of a room.